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Annual spend

£500M - 1B

No. employees



Hengoed, United Kingdom

Buyer type

Local GovernmentLocal Authority

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Caerphilly County Borough Council tenders & contracts

  • Open

    Published 2 years ago

    Dynamic Purchasing System for the Provision of Childcare in the Non-Maintained Sector

    time-iconClose date: 31/01/2029

    Notification of Award of previously advertised opportunity Please note that this is a contract award notice as the Council has established a Dynamic Purchasing System for the provision of Childcare in line with the Light Touch Regime and Public Contract R...

  • Open

    Published 3 years ago

    Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for Assessment and Therapies

    time-iconClose date: 30/08/2030

    The Council has established a collaborative Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS1002263/20/HS)for the Provision of assessment and therapies for the five Authorities in the Gwent Region in line with the Light Touch Regime and Public Contract Regulations 2015. Th...

  • Open

    Published 3 years ago

    Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for Assessment and Therapies

    time-iconClose date: 30/08/2030

    The Council has established a collaborative Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS1002263/20/HS)for the Provision of assessment and therapies for the five Authorities in the Gwent Region in line with the Light Touch Regime and Public Contract Regulations 2015. Th...

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    Published 4 years ago

    Provision of Technology and Associated Services Lot 3

    time-iconClose date: 31/01/2025

    Caerphilly County Borough Council, working in conjunction with the Welsh Government and all twenty-two (22) Local Authorities in Wales is seeking to add Lot 3 covering Teaching and Learning Tools onto the established Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for th...


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Supplier nameSME?Number of awardsView awards
Castell Howell Foods LtdNo211View awards
Harlech Foodservice LtdUnknown134View awards
Dole Produce FoodserviceUnknown62View awards
Castell Cars LtdYes40View awards
New Tredegar TaxisYes30View awards

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