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LondonEnergy Limited tenders and contracts

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London, United Kingdom

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LondonEnergy Limited tenders & contracts

  • Open

    Published today

    RA348698 - Mobile Plant Hire - 4 year Contract, +1 +1

    time-iconClose date: 21/02/2025

    The purpose of this RFQ is to source potential bidders for tender for x3 mobile plant for a period of 4 years with option to extend for a further 2. The contract is scheduled to begin in July of this year. Please review the attached specification ...

  • Open

    Published 6 days ago

    RA348541 - Framework for General Maintenance and Civil Works

    time-iconClose date: 21/02/2025

    Good morning, We are looking for a contractor to form part of our Framework for General Maintenance and Civil Works to cover 7 of our RRC locations across North London. Please see attached specification for more details. Please email lewis.atkin...


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Supplier nameSME?Number of awardsView awards
IBRLNo9View awards
Envar Composting LtdYes5View awards
Thomson LtdNo4View awards
Tamar Organics LtdNo4View awards
Phoenix Water Technologies LimitedNo2View awards

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