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York, United Kingdom

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Northern Trains Ltd tenders & contracts

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    Published 12 days ago

    GB-York: Heaton Component Overhaul & Delivery Areas

    price-tag-icon300,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 24/02/2025

    The Component Overhaul area project seeks to provide additional capability and reduce downtime from component overhaul works identified during the unit maintenance exams. This will be done by increasing the area of the existing component overhaul area an...

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    Published 12 days ago

    GB-York: Neville Hill WOSA Phase 2

    price-tag-icon300,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 17/02/2025

    The existing Paint shop has been identified as a suitable location to convert into a temporary space for the stores to occupy. The contractor shall construct and hand back conversion of existing paint shop into temporary stores to include: •All ass...

  • Open

    Published 13 days ago

    GB-York: AiFA - (Accessibility Improvements For All) - Package 2

    price-tag-icon3,000,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 14/02/2025

    These works include the installation of Braille stands and maps, car park resurfacing and lining, the installation of platform furniture, waiting / drop off shelters, bicycle stands, toilet POD's, wayfinder signage and entrance matting....

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    Published 14 days ago

    Track Maintenance Across Northern Trains Depots and Outstations

    price-tag-icon7,500,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 28/02/2025

    This covers the patrolling of track and carrying out preventative maintenance within the depots operated by Northern Trains at various locations across the North of England in accordance with the Network Rail Line Specification RT/CE/S/037 and associated ...

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    Published 14 days ago

    Track Maintenance Across Northern Trains Depots and Outstations

    price-tag-icon7,500,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 28/02/2025

    This covers the patrolling of track and carrying out preventative maintenance within the depots operated by Northern Trains at various locations across the North of England in accordance with the Network Rail Line Specification RT/CE/S/037 and associated ...

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    Published 25 days ago

    CCTV and SISS Maintenance

    price-tag-icon5,080,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 21/02/2025

    Procurement of a new fit-for-purpose SISS maintenance and support contract that incorporates all the service elements required by Northern both now and into the future. Lot 1: Procurement of a new fit-for-purpose SISS maintenance and support contract tha...

  • Open

    Published 25 days ago

    CCTV and SISS Maintenance

    price-tag-icon5,080,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 21/02/2025

    Procurement of a new fit-for-purpose SISS maintenance and support contract that incorporates all the service elements required by Northern both now and into the future.

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    Published 2 months ago

    Hull Botanic Gardens LMD Underframe Carriage Wash and Enhanced Stabling Detailed Design & Works (ES 5-8)

    price-tag-icon5,000,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 12/02/2025

    Detail design and construction works of the infrastructure enhancements at Hull BG TCC. Lot 1: Publicly advertised via Find a Tender in which any interested Supplier can submit a tender. This is a 1-stage approach with minimum timescales of 30 days out t...


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Supplier nameSME?Number of awardsView awards
The Input GroupUnknown6View awards
Vextrix Management Ltd,Unknown4View awards
PWM UK LtdUnknown4View awards
TMT Commercial Contractors LtdUnknown3View awards
Zoocha LtdYes2View awards

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