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Trinity House tenders and contracts

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London, United Kingdom

Buyer type

Central GovernmentDepartment for Transport~Public Office

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Trinity House tenders & contracts

  • Open

    Published 10 days ago

    CM19 - T0536 - Marine Lantern Framework Agreement

    price-tag-icon1,200,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 01/04/2025

    The aim of this tender is to establish a framework agreement of one or more suppliers for the supply of Marine Lanterns and will be run by Trinity House. All lanterns must meet IALA standards, information about which can be found via the following link: R...

  • Open

    Published 3 months ago

    T0526 - Geotechnical and Civil Engineering Surveying

    price-tag-icon1,000,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 30/04/2025

    The Corporation of Trinity House operates a wide range of marine aids-to-navigation (AtoNs) to support shipping around the coast of England, Wales and the Channel Islands. By the nature of the aids provided, the organisation supports a large number of his...


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Supplier nameSME?Number of awardsView awards
ASCO Fuel and LubricantsNo28View awards
Industrial Maintenance Services LtdYes20View awards
Bell Decorating Group LtdYes20View awards
Southampton Marine Services LtdNo17View awards
Ian Williams LimitedNo16View awards

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