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Academies Enterprise Trust tenders and contracts

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London, United Kingdom

Buyer type

SchoolsMulti Academy Trust

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Academies Enterprise Trust tenders & contracts

  • Open

    Published 26 days ago

    Pre Market engagement - MIS Synchronisation Tool - Lift Schools

    price-tag-icon135,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 14/02/2025

    Lift Schools wish to engage with suitably qualified suppliers for pre market engagement in respect of a potential procurement of the above. We are seeking a flexible and adaptable synchronisation tool that offers excellent value for money. ...

  • Open

    Published 26 days ago

    Pre Market engagement - MIS Synchronisation Tool - Lift Schools

    price-tag-icon135,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 14/02/2025

    Lift Schools wish to engage with suitably qualified suppliers for pre market engagement in respect of a potential procurement of the above. We are seeking a flexible and adaptable synchronisation tool that offers excellent value for money. ...


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    Supplier nameSME?Number of awardsView awards
    ISS GroupYes8View awards
    Compass Royston Travel LtdNo4View awards
    Buzzacott LLPNo3View awards
    Cleantec servicesYes3View awards
    Ridge Crest Cleaning ServicesYes3View awards

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