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United Kingdom

BiP SOlutions tenders & contracts

  • Open

    Published 15 days ago

    Sexual misconduct and harrassment training

    time-iconClose date: 14/02/2025

    Based off the new OfS requirements, we are looking for a qualified provider to deliver sexual misconduct and harassment training to staff and students,

  • Open

    Published 15 days ago

    EPP0166 - BDC Leisure Centres Management - Interim provision

    price-tag-icon1 GBPtime-iconClose date: 28/03/2025

    Management of Leisure Centres for Braintree District - Interim provision (3 year contract, plus a permitted extension of up to 2 years)

  • Open

    Published 15 days ago

    Pre-Marketing Engagement: RBKC: Case Management System; Building Control, Land Charges and Planning

    time-iconClose date: 13/02/2025

    The Planning and Place system replacement project is a critical initiative for the Council. The platform we currently use is approaching end of life with the current contract due to expire in June 2026. As such we are seeking a future focussed solution. T...

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  • Open

    Published 21 days ago

    TRP Hyde Park Lido Catering Services

    time-iconClose date: 12/05/2025

    The Royal Parks (TRP) are inviting suppliers to respond to our Market Engagement Questionnaire, found as per the link attached to this notice. TRP are undertaking this market engagement exercise to gain information from the market to help inform us of est...

  • Open

    Published 25 days ago

    International Travel Management Services

    time-iconClose date: 01/07/2025

    The University requires a Travel Management Company (TMC) that is able to facilitate non UK travel booking needs for a diverse range of stakeholders, including but not limited to Air Travel, Rail Travel and Accommodation Booking. The University requires a...

  • Open

    Published a month ago

    A replacement solution for the management of pooled PPE

    price-tag-icon1 GBPtime-iconClose date: 21/02/2025

    Text to be corrected in the original notice: Place of text to be modified: Title: MARKET ENGAGEMENT - Lancashire Fire & Rescue Service - replacement solution for the management of pooled PPE Instead of: Title: A replacement solution for ...

  • Open

    Published 2 months ago

    LS053 - Framework for the Provision of Stewards at Events

    time-iconClose date: 31/03/2025

    Framework to call off for the provision of stewards for events held at London Stadium. The Framework will have four lots: Lot 1 - Crowd Safety Services Lot 2 - Hospitality Lot 3 - Stewarding Dog Teams Lot 4 - Traffic Management...


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Supplier nameSME?Number of awardsView awards
GB-CFS-173Unknown22View awards
Cinos LtdYes7View awards
Network Innovations Solutions LtdUnknown5View awards
Thermo fisher scientificNo4View awards

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