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AU3009F -Resources for Drama, Film and Theatre Studies and Associated Services - Department of Education



12,000,000 EUR


In 2022, the Contracting Authority set out an ambitious programme for the redevelopment of Senior Cycle, guided by the vision of a Senior Cycle that delivers “equity and excellence for all.” The redevelopment programme included the development of a new subject at Senior Cycle, Drama, Film and Theatre Studies. The intention is that this new subject will be introduced on a phased basis across a small network of schools initially. Following an open call to schools for applications in April 2024, 57 Phase One schools (“The 57 schools”) as detailed in Appendix 1 section A1.1 were selected to introduce Drama, Film and Theatre Studies in their school from the start of the 2025/26 school year. The final selection of 57 schools reflects the broad composition of schools across Ireland that applied to be part of the process. From the start of the 2027/28 school year, more recognised post primary schools across Ireland may introduce the new subject. In Drama, Film and Theatre Studies, students will explore and experiment with storytelling for film and theatre as they engage with creative and critical response processes. They will develop and apply their competencies in creative situations which include collaborating, planning, developing, performing/showing and evaluating their own work, as well as critically responding to the work of others. The Leaving Certificate Drama, Film and Theatre Studies specification is set out in three interconnected strands; Creative Process, Critical Response Process, and Applied Creative Tasks (ACTs). The specification is designed to enable students to engage in the creative and critical response processes simultaneously. Across all strands of the specification, students and teachers will require the appropriate quality and quantity of technical equipment to facilitate learning outcomes and creative tasks. In summary the Goods, as described in Appendix 1, comprise: • Camera Equipment • Audio Equipment • Lighting Equipment • Computing Equipment • Stage/Furniture Equipment Equipment must be in the 57 Phase One schools for the start of the 2025/26 school year when teaching of the new subject, Drama, Film and Theatre Studies commences and services provided no later than August 2025. Associated services, as described in Appendix 1, comprise the provision of training to Oide, after sales support and warranties, along with ensuring quality of provision in the management of the contract, goods and services.


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