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External Audit Services



We are looking to appoint a supplier to provide External Audit Services in accordance with the Companies Act and relevant professional standards. We are seeking to put in place a new contract for four years, commencing in May 2024. As a higher education institution, we are required to carry out external audit of our financial statements for statutory compliance purposes. In addition to this we are also required to provide audited annual financial statements to our regulator, the Office for Students. The scope of service includes audit of the school's financial statements and the subsidiary company financial statements, together known as 'the Group'. There are a total of four subsidiary companies, of which three require an audit. Three subsidiaries are wholly owned UK subsidiaries (Chariot Innovations Limited, LSHTM Developments Limited and Sustainable Climate Impact Fund Limited). The fourth subsidiary is a non-trading Ugandan entity which is consolidated but does not require separate financial statements.


Publish date

12 months ago

Close date

11 months ago

Buyer information

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Imoudu Idornigie

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