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Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; lighting



Prysmian Powerlink S.r.l., Prysmian Powerlink S.r.l., Prysmian Powerlink S.r.l., Prysmian Powerlink S.r.l., NKT HV Cables AB, Siemens Aktiengesellschaft, Siemens PLC, Siemens A/S


NGVL and ENDK (the 'Employers') are jointly developing an HVDC interconnecter between the United Kingdom and Denmark (the 'Interconnecter'). Two HVDC cable poles over a total route length of approximately 55 km, forming part of a connection between 2 HVDC converters (UK and DK) and capable of delivering 1400MW at the receiving end, excluding the underground civils works. The contract also includes a defects period of a minimum of 5 years and a maximum of 10 years. The HVDC cable technology is 525kV MIND. Two HVDC cable poles over a total route length of approximately 230 km, forming part of a connection between 2 HVDC converters (UK and DK) and capable of delivering 1 400 MW at the receiving end. All installation is included in Lot 2. The contract also includes a defects period of a minimum of 5 years and a maximum of 10 years. The HVDC cable technology is 525kV MIND. Two HVDC cable poles over a total route length of approximately 195 km, forming part of a connection between 2 HVDC converters (UK and DK) and capable of delivering 1 400 MW at the receiving end. All installation is included in Lot 3. The contract also includes a defects period of a minimum of 5 years and a maximum of 10 years. The HVDC cable technology is 525kV MIND. Two HVDC cable poles over a total route length of approximately 210 km, forming part of a connection between 2 HVDC converters (UK and DK) and capable of delivering 1 400 MW at the receiving end. The contract also includes a defects period of a minimum of 5 years and a maximum of 10 years. Two HVDC cable poles over a total route length of approximately 76 km, forming part of a connection between 2 HVDC converters (UK and DK) and capable of delivering 1 400 MW at the receiving end. The contract also includes a defects period of a minimum of 5 years and a maximum of 10 years.The HVDC cable technology is 525 kV MIND. — design, delivery, installation and commissioning of all electrical equipment for the 1 400 MW @ +/- 525 kVBipol VSC converter stations in DK and UK — from connection to AC substation to the DC cable termination, — civil design and works (etc. all required buildings and foundations) in UK, — commissioning and testing of the interconnector, — HVAC cable in the UK. The contract also includes a defects period of a minimum of 5 years and a maximum of 10 years.


Publish date

5 years ago

Award date

5 years ago

Buyer information

National Grid Viking Link Limited

Demelza Newbery

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