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Police and Crime Commissioner for Dyfed-Powys tenders and contracts

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Carmarthen, United Kingdom

Buyer type

Local GovernmentPolice and Crime Commissioner

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Police and Crime Commissioner for Dyfed-Powys tenders & contracts

  • Awarded

    Published 2 months ago

    DPP2402 - Race Related Culture Training

    Training sessions to increase the awareness and understanding of every officer and member of staff of racism, anti-racism, Black history and its connection to policing through:- the introduction of a mandatory programme of training for all police officers...

  • Awarded

    Published 3 months ago

    Crime Screening Software

    price-tag-icon25,000 GBPtime-iconExpiry date: 30/04/2025

    The Police and Crime Commissioner for Dyfed Powys Police requires a software solution to facilitate evidence-based triage of specified crime categories leading to effective allocation of resources. This system may be extended to other crime categories as ...

  • Awarded

    Published 3 months ago

    Crime Screening Software

    The Police and Crime Commissioner for Dyfed Powys Police requires a software solution to facilitate evidence-based triage of specified crime categories leading to effective allocation of resources. This system may be extended to other crime categories as...

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  • Awarded

    Published 6 months ago

    Insider Threat Monitoring and Audit Software

    price-tag-icon177,500 GBPtime-iconExpiry date: 29/03/2029

    Insider Threat Monitoring and Audit Software Call off contract from Framework

  • Awarded

    Published 10 months ago

    CISCO Hardware

    price-tag-icon123,857.06 GBPtime-iconExpiry date: 31/01/2024

    Cisco telecommunications network

  • Awarded

    Published a year ago

    Consultancy Service - Demand FOM

    price-tag-icon26,400 GBPtime-iconExpiry date: 31/12/2023

    Consultancy support to review the crime recording processes. This contract has been awarded through Healthtrust Europe framework.

  • Awarded

    Published a year ago

    Award of Employee Assistance Programme

    Employee Assistance Programme - wellbeing and remote counselling provision

  • Awarded

    Published a year ago

    Award of Virtual Response Software Solution

    The Police and Crime Commissioner for Dyfed Powys requires a software solution to enable virtual communication with victims of Domestic Abuse initially. This system may be extended to other areas of the force as necessary that will facilitate a virtual c...

  • Awarded

    Published a year ago

    Virtual Response Software Solution

    price-tag-icon45,000 GBPtime-iconExpiry date: 22/06/2024

    The Police and Crime Commissioner for Dyfed Powys requires a software solution for to enable virtual communication with victims of Domestic Abuse initially. This system may be extended to other areas of the force as necessary that will facilitate a virtu...

  • Awarded

    Published a year ago

    Specialist Medical Services

    price-tag-icon7,200,000 GBP

    Lot 1: This opportunity is being reissued as an accelerated procedure due to suspended tender OJEU Reference 2017/5217-451705, which was a collaborative exercise with North Wales Police. A qualified and experienced Contractor shall provide on a 24 hour, ...

  • Awarded

    Published a year ago

    Specialist Medical Services

    This opportunity is being reissued as an accelerated procedure due to suspended tender OJEU Reference 2017/5217-451705, which was a collaborative exercise with North Wales Police. A qualified and experienced Contractor shall provide on a 24 hour, 7 days p...

  • Awarded

    Published a year ago

    Police Personal Safety Training Equipment

    The Police and Crime Commissioner for Dyfed Powys requires Personal Safety Training equipment in line with College of Policing recommendations and should be fit for purpose in a Police Training environment.

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Supplier nameSME?Number of awardsView awards
Eurofins Forensic ServicesNo21View awards
Key Forensic Services LtdYes17View awards
Orchid Cellmark LtdUnknown10View awards
Orchid CellmarkNo9View awards
OrloYes5View awards

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