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Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust tenders and contracts

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Chester, United Kingdom

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Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust tenders & contracts

  • Awarded

    Published 8 years ago

    Renal dialysis consumables

    Following a competitive tendering exercise for a capital rolling replacement contract for Haemodialysis machines and associated consumables (OJEU ref: 2012/S198-325289) the dialysis unit has standardised its haemodialysis machines and now has 21 Fresenius...

  • Awarded

    Published 9 years ago

    Occupational clothing

    The Trust requires supplier(s) to supply staff uniforms and work-wear. This requirement will be split into the following lots: Lot 1: Medical Stock (including theatre clogs); Lot 2: Various Non-Stock Uniforms and Office Wear; Lot 3: Work Wear; Lot 4: Foot...

  • Awarded

    Published 9 years ago

    Orthopaedic implants

    To provide modular primary hip replacement implants within a commoditised commercial model.

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  • Awarded

    Published 9 years ago

    Replacement High Fidelity Simulation Manikin

    time-iconExpiry date: 15/03/2021

    The Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is looking to replace the existing manikin with an up to date high fidelity model including the necessary 5 year maintenance package. The replacement will operate with built in compressors and be cont...

  • Awarded

    Published 9 years ago

    Medical information systems

    To provide a Healthcare Content Management System to access Trusts silos of information which can typically sit across multiple best of breed clinical systems and various storage media. To provide a single access point of information and enable migration ...

  • Awarded

    Published 9 years ago

    Business and management consultancy and related services

    To provide health care providers with a radiology capacity management service to include professional advice on maximising patient throughput and the provision of clinical staff to facilitate the proposed changes.

  • Awarded

    Published 9 years ago

    Ophthalmology equipment

    National Framework Agreement for a Sleep Mask for the Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy and Diabetic Macular Oedema. The Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust's Commercial Procurement Service seeks to introduce a new commercial framework agree...

  • Awarded

    Published 13 years ago

    Splinting Materials

    price-tag-icon35,000 GBPtime-iconExpiry date: 01/04/2014

    Supply of Splinting Materials

  • Awarded

    Published 13 years ago

    Agency Nursing

    time-iconExpiry date: 30/09/2012

    Agency Nursing Contract on behalf of the Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

  • Awarded

    Published 14 years ago

    Surgical Services

    price-tag-icon1,500,000time-iconExpiry date: 31/10/2012

    The Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is seeking expressions of interest for Suppliers to provide Internal (on-site at Chester) and External (off-site) Surgical Services. The Trust anticipates awarding a framework to several suppliers to ...

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Supplier nameSME?Number of awardsView awards
Mitie Ltd.Unknown12View awards
Clares Office Supplies LimitedYes11View awards
Liaison Financial Services LtdNo10View awards
Synergy Health (UK) Limited (t/a STERIS Instrument Management Services)No10View awards
Becton Dickinson Dispensing UK LimitedNo10View awards

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