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Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council tenders and contracts

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Solihull, United Kingdom

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Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council tenders & contracts

  • Awarded

    Published 4 years ago

    SOL - Constructing West Midlands 2 (Construction Framework) - AWARD

    price-tag-icon2,100,000,000time-iconExpiry date: 31/10/2024

    The Contracting Authorities comprising of Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council, Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council and Acivico Limited wish to establish this framework for all types of construction work as part of the overall Constructing West Midland...

  • Awarded

    Published 4 years ago

    Supply of Greengrocery to Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council and Coventry City Council

    price-tag-icon1,782,000 GBPtime-iconExpiry date: 31/12/2024

    Supply of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables and Eggs to school kitchen units in the Borough of Solihull and the City of Coventry. Catering units at council premises in Solihull and Coventry. One Day Care centre in Solihull and Adult Social Care units and commer...

  • Awarded

    Published 4 years ago

    Social work services

    price-tag-icon4,776,000 GBPtime-iconExpiry date: 11/01/2025

    Lot 1 will include Solihull Youth Hub and supported lodgings and Nightstop. Lot 2 will include: (a) support linked to the existing leased buildings (Venture House and Mildenhall House), with nominations agreements put in place with the leases to support t...

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  • Awarded

    Published 4 years ago

    SOL - Supply of Electrical Components and Sundries

    price-tag-icon160,000 GBPtime-iconExpiry date: 08/02/2025

    This was advertised via

  • Awarded

    Published a year ago

    SOL - Playground Equipment Routine Inspections and Maintenance in Schools

    price-tag-icon20,000 GBPtime-iconExpiry date: 26/03/2025

    Periodic Inspections and maintenance of playground equipment in Schools

  • Awarded

    Published a year ago

    SOL - Playground Equipment Annual Inspections in Schools

    price-tag-icon21,600 GBPtime-iconExpiry date: 26/03/2025

    Annual Inspection required for Playground equipment in Schools

  • Awarded

    Published 12 months ago

    SOL - The Home Upgrade Grant 2 (HUG2)

    price-tag-icon146,625 GBPtime-iconExpiry date: 31/03/2025

    The Home Upgrade Grant 2 (HUG 2) provides energy efficiency upgrades and low-carbon heating solutions for low-income households living in the least energy efficient homes.

  • Awarded

    Published 3 years ago

    SOL - CYP Digital Engagement Service - AWARD

    price-tag-icon34,675 GBPtime-iconExpiry date: 31/03/2025

    SMBC seeks to commission software to support CYP to communicate more effectively and securely with their Social Workers or other professionals working with them; to allow them to express their views more clearly, proactively participate in meetings and in...

  • Awarded

    Published 2 years ago

    SOL - Mental Health Community Services (Lot 1)

    price-tag-icon262,810 GBPtime-iconExpiry date: 31/03/2025

    The overall aim of the Mental Health and/or Autism Community Enablement Service is to provide early intervention for people who are living with mental ill health and/or autism. The service should be provided in a way that supports people to be as independ...

  • Awarded

    Published 2 years ago

    SOL - Housing Related Support for People with Disabilities

    price-tag-icon168,846.44 GBPtime-iconExpiry date: 31/03/2025

    Service overview: 1. Enable a person to move to more independent housing, prevent a person being at risk of losing their home, preventing a move to less independent care, if this housing related support was not provided. A primary purpose of the servic...

  • Awarded

    Published 2 years ago

    Electric Vehicle Charging Points

    price-tag-icon189,000 GBPtime-iconExpiry date: 31/03/2025

    To appoint a supplier able to provide all elements of electric vehicle charge point (EVCP) installation and operation, exact requirement for which would be determined on a site-by-site basis. Services required include design, groundworks, supply, delivery...

  • Awarded

    Published 2 years ago

    SOL - Mental Health Community Services (Lot 2)

    price-tag-icon100,000 GBPtime-iconExpiry date: 31/03/2025

    The overall aim of the Mental Health Open Access (drop-in) Service is to provide prevention and early intervention for people who are living with mental ill health. The service should be provided in a way that prevents mental health difficulties escalatin...

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Supplier nameSME?Number of awardsView awards
Local Radio CarsYes126View awards
Birmingham International CoachesYes94View awards
Palmers Private HireYes31View awards
Hollywood TravelYes29View awards
National Executive TransfersYes26View awards

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