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British Tourist Authority tenders & contracts

  • Awarded

    Published 4 years ago

    BTA1297 - SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

    price-tag-icon500,000 GBPtime-iconExpiry date: 08/11/2024

    Tender for the provision of undertaking search engine optimization and marketing for VisitBritain and VisitEngland websites.

  • Awarded

    Published 4 years ago

    Advertising and marketing services

    price-tag-icon500,000 GBP

    Tender for the provision of undertaking search engine optimisation and marketing for VisitBritain and VisitEngland websites. The purpose of this tender is to appoint a supplier that is able to undertake search engine optimisation and marketing for VisitBr...

  • Awarded

    Published 4 years ago

    BTA882 SEO & PPC Services

    price-tag-icon900,000 GBPtime-iconExpiry date: 15/03/2021

    The purpose of this contract is to find an agency that is able to undertake search engine marketing for VisitBritain online shops with the aim of increasing revenue from this marketing channel and maximising return on investment In line with the network g...

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  • Awarded

    Published 4 years ago

    Web search engine providers

    price-tag-icon900,000 GBP

    The purpose of this contract is to find an agency that is able to undertake search engine marketing for VisitBritain online shops with the aim of increasing revenue from this marketing channel and maximising return on investment In line with the network g...

  • Awarded

    Published 5 years ago

    BTA1189 - Microgapping Partnership

    price-tag-icon500,000 GBPtime-iconExpiry date: 31/03/2020

    Marketing campaign for Microgapping

  • Awarded

    Published 5 years ago

    BTA1189 - Microgapping Partnership

    price-tag-icon500,000 GBPtime-iconExpiry date: 31/03/2020

    Marketing campaign for Microgapping

  • Awarded

    Published 5 years ago

    Marketing services

    price-tag-icon500,000 GBP

    Marketing campaign for microgapping. Joint marketing campaign.

  • Awarded

    Published 5 years ago

    Administrative services related to tourism affairs

    price-tag-icon1,000,000 GBP

    VisitEngland (VE) would like to work with a portfolio of up to 3 commercial partners to collaborate with us on our domestic market #MyMicrogap campaign activity, working across the customer journey, from education and inspiration of what a Microgap is, to...

  • Awarded

    Published 5 years ago

    GB-London: BTA1141B- Destination Britain China - Event Management

    price-tag-icon80,000 GBPtime-iconExpiry date: 28/11/2019

    Event services. Cultural event organisation services. In November 2019 VisitBritain is hosting around 75 top tour operators from China, Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea specially selected by its team in market. These guests will take part in VisitBritain'...

  • Awarded

    Published 5 years ago

    GB-London: BTA1141B- Destination Britain China - Event Management

    price-tag-icon80,000 GBPtime-iconExpiry date: 28/11/2019

    Event services. Cultural event organisation services. In November 2019 VisitBritain is hosting around 75 top tour operators from China, Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea specially selected by its team in market. These guests will take part in VisitBritain'...

  • Awarded

    Published 5 years ago

    GB-London: BTA1162 - Provision for Digital Agency for Gulf Cooperation Council's Market

    price-tag-icon39,870 GBPtime-iconExpiry date: 18/07/2020

    BTA1162 - Provision for Digital Agency for Gulf Cooperation Council's Market to VisitBritian/VisitEngland. We are looking for a cost effective, strategic approach across owned, earned and paid digital channels, that will deliver results. It is imperative ...

  • Awarded

    Published 5 years ago

    GB-London: BTA1162 - Provision for Digital Agency for Gulf Cooperation Council's Market

    price-tag-icon39,870 GBPtime-iconExpiry date: 18/07/2020

    BTA1162 - Provision for Digital Agency for Gulf Cooperation Council's Market to VisitBritian/VisitEngland. We are looking for a cost effective, strategic approach across owned, earned and paid digital channels, that will deliver results. It is imperative ...

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