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London, United Kingdom

Buyer type

Housing AssocsRegistered Social Landlord~Care Home Provider~ALMO / Stock Management

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Hyde Housing Group tenders & contracts

  • Awarded

    Published a year ago

    Office Stationery & Associated Products Framework

    price-tag-icon50,000,000 GBPtime-iconExpiry date: 31/07/2027

    *This opportunity is closed - and this notice is an award notice* - It is Hyde's intention in respect of this invitation to tender to create a multiple source Framework Agreement for the supply of stationery & associated products for the use of primarily ...

  • Awarded

    Published a year ago

    Salesforce Licencing

    price-tag-icon2,500,000 GBP

    Early renewal of Salesforce licencing contract. Lot 1: Procurement of Salesforce CRM licences. This is an early contract renewal to help reduce the cost of increasing the license costs and ensure there are enough licenses for future growth. Although Sale...

  • Awarded

    Published a year ago

    Asbestos Inspections Framework

    price-tag-icon95,000,000 GBPtime-iconExpiry date: 31/05/2027

    National Framework Partnership has established an Asbestos Inspections and Associated Services Framework for use by Hyde Housing Association and any UK public sector body (including any future successors to these organisations. A full list of potential co...

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  • Awarded

    Published a year ago

    Asbestos Inspections Framework

  • Awarded

    Published a year ago

    Asbestos Inspections Framework

    price-tag-icon95,000,000 GBP

    National Framework Partnership has established an Asbestos Inspections and Associated Services Framework for use by Hyde Housing Association and any UK public sector body (including any future successors to these organisations): A full list of potential c...

  • Awarded

    Published a year ago

    Building and Fire Safety Framework

    price-tag-icon9,111,600,000 GBP

    The Hyde Group ('Hyde') sought Tenders from suitably skilled and experienced suppliers for the provision of a Building and Fire Safety Framework for works and services under this four-year, multi-lot framework. The contract has been procured with multiple...

  • Awarded

    Published a year ago

    The Hyde Construction Consultancy Services Framework

    price-tag-icon175,000,000 GBP

    The Hyde Construction Consultancy Services Framework is being extended by a further 6 months to allow Hyde sufficient time to re-tender the requirement for a new Framework. The current Framework covers a range of services for construction projects and wil...

  • Awarded

    Published a year ago

    Customer Survey Research Services Framework

    price-tag-icon10,000,000 GBP

    *This opportunity has closed and is a Contract Award Notice* Hyde’s intention in respect of this invitation to tender is to procure a customer survey research services provider to meet the company’s listed requirements. The Framework will consists of two ...

  • Awarded

    Published a year ago

    Customer Survey Research Services Framework

    Hyde’s intention in respect of this invitation to tender is to procure a customer survey research services provider to meet the company’s listed requirements. The Framework will consists of two lots; Lot 1: Provider of telephone survey services and Lot 2:...

  • Awarded

    Published a year ago

    Customer Survey Research Services Framework

    time-iconExpiry date: 12/04/2027

    Hyde's intention in respect of this invitation to tender is to procure a customer survey research services provider to meet the company's listed requirements. The Framework will consists of two lots; Lot 1: Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) ...

  • Awarded

    Published 2 years ago

    CONTRACTOR RECRUITMENT - Preferred Supplier List (PSL)

    It is Hyde’s intention in respect of this invitation to tender to create a multiple source Framework Agreement for the supply of Contractor Recruitment for the use of primarily The Hyde Group (Hyde) but also for the use of other public sector authorities ...

  • Awarded

    Published 2 years ago

    CONTRACTOR RECRUITMENT - Preferred Supplier List (PSL)

    price-tag-icon50,000,000 GBPtime-iconExpiry date: 11/12/2026

    *This opportunity has closed and is a Contract Award Notice* It is Hyde's intention in respect of this invitation to tender to create a multiple source Framework Agreement for the supply of Contractor Recruitment for the use of primarily The Hyde Group (H...

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Supplier nameSME?Number of awardsView awards
Global HSE Solutions LimitedYes31View awards
Kier Highways LtdNo24View awards
Kier Services LimitedUnknown21View awards
Airey Miller LimitedYes21View awards
PRP Architects LLPNo19View awards

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