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Edinburgh, United Kingdom

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Further and Higher EducationUniversity

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Heriot Watt University tenders & contracts

  • Awarded

    Published 5 years ago

    Information systems and servers

    The University is seeking proposals for a virtual infrastructure meeting our scope of requirements (capacity, performance and VMware compatibility) and a backup and recovery infrastructure including full data and system recovery in a major disaster recove...

  • Awarded

    Published 5 years ago

    Internal audit services

    time-iconExpiry date: 12/05/2022

    In accordance with its financial memorandum with the Scottish Funding Council, the University has a requirement to appoint internal auditors. The internal audit service is responsible for conducting an independent appraisal of all the University’s activit...

  • Awarded

    Published 5 years ago

    Quantity surveying services

    The University is seeking Quantity Surveying Services for the UK’s National Robotarium, which will be the UK’s leading innovation hub for the practical application of robotics and autonomous systems. The University is seeking Quantity Surveying Services f...

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  • Awarded

    Published 6 years ago

    Engineering services

    The University is seeking Civil and structural engineering services for the UK’s National Robotarium, which will be the UK’s leading innovation hub for the practical application of robotics and autonomous systems. The University is seeking civil and struc...

  • Awarded

    Published 6 years ago

    Software package and information systems

    price-tag-icon326,800 GBP

    Accommodation software licenses for its Edinburgh Campus. Accommodation software licenses for its Edinburgh Campus.

  • Awarded

    Published 6 years ago

    Architectural and related services

    The University is seeking Architectural Services for the UK’s National Robotarium, which will be the UK’s leading innovation hub for the practical application of robotics and autonomous systems. The University is seeking Architectural Services for the UK’...

  • Awarded

    Published 6 years ago


    time-iconExpiry date: 02/10/2019

    The University is seeking a Contractor for the: High average power ultrashort pulsed (femtosecond – picosecond) laser; Laser beam precision manipulation equipment (XY galvanometer scanner, software, etc.) for high precision laser manufacturing workstation...

  • Awarded

    Published 6 years ago

    Engineering design services for mechanical and electrical installations for buildings

    The University is seeking mechanical, electrical and plumbing services for the UK’s National Robotarium, which will be the UK’s leading innovation hub for the practical application of robotics and autonomous systems. The University is seeking mechanical, ...

  • Awarded

    Published 6 years ago

    Software package and information systems

    time-iconExpiry date: 04/12/2021

    The University requires the supply, installation and maintenance of a 3D Immersive Reality Facility. This Immersive Facility will be located within the University’s new flagship Discovery and Innovation Building, which is set to open March 2019. This Imme...

  • Awarded

    Published 7 years ago

    IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support

    The University now wishes to appoint a supplier to assist with the implementation of its voice and UC including: — Provision of a replacement voice and associated applications and services on bidder provided hardware to support approximately 2 000 users, ...

  • Awarded

    Published 7 years ago

    Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses)

    The University is seeking a contractor for the supply, installation, commissioning and maintenance support of a core flood system. The University is seeking a contractor for the supply, installation, commissioning and maintenance support of a core flood s...

  • Awarded

    Published 7 years ago

    Portfolio management services

    time-iconExpiry date: 04/11/2020

    Provision of investments advisory and funds management services in respect of the University's endowment funds portfolio. To appoint a suitable investment funds manager to assist the University maintain and grow the real value of all permanent endowments,...

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Supplier nameSME?Number of awardsView awards
Photon Spot Inc.Yes4View awards
Online Education ServicesUnknown4View awards
ViridorUnknown4View awards
Gailarde LimitedYes4View awards
Curio LondonUnknown4View awards

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