Stotles and AutogenAI have partnered to help you create repeatable public sector growth.

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Who is Stotles?

We help commercial teams discover, approach and engage with relevant public sector opportunities so you can focus on what really matters - winning more work. Learn exactly how we help you succeed in your role on our use cases pages.

What can Stotles do for you?

Monitor & Discover

Stay ahead by monitoring signals relevant to your business in our free opportunity feed. Track these signals to pre-engage with buyers and put tender tracking on auto-pilot.

Organise & Collaborate

Streamline workflows across your entire team and collaborate effectively with features and integrations made to fit with your current sales tools.

Qualify & Plan

Save time and increase efficiency by qualifying where to focus your efforts with in-depth analyses on key buyers, partners and competitors.

Engage & Action

Bypass procurement contacts and create the perfect campaign for the right buyer, with the right message, at the right time.

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Stop waiting for tenders. Start getting ahead.