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Flexible Framework Agreement for Education & Social Support Services (Children & Families)



4,000,000 GBP


Dundee City Council are seeking Providers with the appropriate experience to prove a range of services/resources for the Children and Families (CFS) within a Flexible Framework Agreement. The service could be, but is not limited to Schools, Care Establishments and Family Support. Lot 1: Outdoor Education, Physical Activity and Sport Providing a service which engages and encourages children and young people to learn through participation in activities and experiences. These may include but are not limited to outdoor learning, sport and social activities. Lot 2: Clubs Services which provide a club which offers a safe environment for children and young people outside of school hours. Clubs will provide activities including a social element. Lot 3: Support, Advice and Therapeutic Services Services which provide professional assistance, guidance and support in resolving personal problems. These may include but are not limited to group and/or one to one work with children, young people or families, therapeutic services, mediation and services to promote good mental wellbeing. This may also include providing CLPL/training to staff groups or individuals. Lot 5: External Tutors/Additional Support Providing a service where external personnel offer additional support to children and young people on a group or onto one basis. Services may include but are not limited to; resilience coaching, speech and language therapists, literacy and maths champions and Nurture Support. For clarity, individuals who provide this service will not be employed by the Council, their services will be purchased. Lot 4: Creative Engagement Providing a service which focuses on engaging children and young people to learn through creative activities. These may include but are not limited to, music, art, drama and dance. Lot 6: Mentoring Providing a service which focuses on the support and encouragement of children and young people to manage their own learning in order that they maximise their potential, develop their skills, improve the performance and become the person they want to be. This service may include but it is not limited to coaching, youth work and support, family support and mentorship programs. Lot 7: Workshops Providing a service which engages children and young people on a particular subject, activity or project through discussion, performance or participation in class(s) dedicated to the project or activity. This service may include but is not limited to mindfulness, yoga, confidence building, nutrition, diversity and health and wellbeing. Lot 8: Professional Learning and Development Providing professional learning and development opportunities to school staff, teaching and non-teaching. This service may include but is not limited to, learning related to curriculum development, classroom learning, teaching and assessment and opportunities for coaching and mentoring and leadership development. Lot 9: Bespoke Family Support Providing of a family support service which will provide support, advice and practical help to families experiencing difficulties in meeting their assessed needs. Interventions may be low or intensive and will be based on assessed need. This generic service is intended to provide to a range of families with children up to the age of 18 years. It is recognised that there may be occasions when this service will be appropriate for those above the set age range due to assessed need, it is anticipated these will be small in numbers and will be ratified via the formal monitoring process. Lot 10: Counselling in Schools Providing counselling services to children aged 10+ in primary, secondary and special schools. This service will be provided by qualified, registered (BACP/COSCA) counsellors who have experience of working with children and young people, preferably with a Children and Young People Qualification,.


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